Monday, January 11, 2021

The Demon Tracker

Just a quick note: this blog will be moving very soon. The tracker stays in place, but I'll find another place to blog. There's so much going on around here that even I'm getting confused.

As I wrote last time, "Last month we turned our attention to the big polluters, the corporate parasites that poison everything they come across and lie about the pollution and devastation in their wake. It is no surprise that the number of sighting for Agents of Behemoth skyrocketed almost overnight." That trend will continue.

Anywhere one finds an instance of oil spills or illegal dumping by a corporation one will find Behemoth. It's typical of any organization that loves to feed on subsidies but refuses to clean up its messes without the threat of legal action. Chemical companies and the manufacturers of petroleum products are usually at the top of the list.

In the meantime we'll be going back through our files to find which corporations helped finance disinformation about the election. While Agents of Behemoth were behind the money, Minions of Belial spread disinformation and discord. It's what they do. Additionally, wherever one finds troublemakers who won't leave people in peace, that is where one will find Belial.

Currently the Denizens of Zophos are by far more prolific than either Behemoth or Belial. The violators of children can be found in every sector of society, in almost every profession and have more ways to get at innocent children now than ever before. As a result, crimes against children have risen across the world with no end in sight. The coronavirus only serves to make things worse. Kids are more isolated now than they before the pandemic, which makes them sitting ducks for their abusers.

That's all for now. I'll be back with more soon.

Herukhuti of Shiro

Friday, January 8, 2021

The Demon Tracker

My last post was a quick synopsis of this website's origins, as well as a quick introduction to me, Herukhuti of Shiro. At this point I'll drop the unnecessary formalities and continue the story with the following quote about the Agents of Behemoth:

"They are called the patrons of greed because greed thrives in the minds of vultures & corporate parasites who want to possess that which they should not have, who want dominance over the Meek no matter what, hoarding resources so the Meek can't access them when in need. That makes their greed a liability to the rest of us."

Admittedly, the patrons of greed were previously much more difficult to detect. Incorrigible, unrepentant sinners with money are a dime-a-dozen, but not all of them are greedy. Greed requires deep feelings of alienation and disconnection from the whole of humanity, because the crimes of the greedy are ususally much larger in scope and can affect large numbers of people.

Corporate persons are legendary for both their callous indifference to the public's health and welfare, and their penchant for duplicity that leads to many broken promises, bold-faced lies and hideous betrayals. The feeding frenzy that erupted among select corporate persons after the PPP relief loans were made available is a good example of their unbridled avarice and naked greed.

Last month we turned our attention to the big polluters, the corporate parasites that poison everything they come across and lie about the pollution and devastation in their wake. It is no surprise that the number of sighting for Agents of Behemoth skyrocketed almost overnight.

I'll be back with more information Monday. Have a blessed weekend.

Herukhuti of Shiro

Monday, January 4, 2021

About Operation Demon Tracker / OpDemonTracker

Operation Demon Tracker / OpDemonTracker went online on December 13, 2020.

OpDemonTracker's main sections are located at Facebook, Tumblr, and Google. It is supported in part by and by the following elements from Guantanamo-on-the-Styx at the Fixed Cross: Oya | M-6, Operation Hyacinth, Operation Fukushima and PSYOP.

Operation Demon Tracker / OpDemonTracker is designed to track evil influences, also known as demonic influences, wherever they may appear.

OpDemonTracker is maintained by the Priest at the Temple of Shiro from the Living Shrine of the Cosmic Christ.

I am known as Herukhuti of Shiro. I use this blog to communicate to souls through the Phenomenal World called the Internet, to the farthest corner of the Mundane World where people walk the streets in real time.

Demonic influences can take on a number of forms. Most common are the icchantika, or incorrigible sinners. Icchantika is a name of Buddhist origin. An icchantika is the equivalent of an unrepentant sinner who is Christian.

There are also the Demoniacs. Demoniac is a Hindu term that signifies an evil individual who is comitted to making trouble for members of the Meek.

In a blog entry entitled, 'The Heretic in the Oval Office', posted on June 18, 2019 at Guantanamo-on-the-Styx, Priest stated, "So long as Heretic in the Oval Office does not repent and atone for the tear-gas attack on unsuspecting, peaceful civilians at St. John's Church in Washington DC, and for the act of Sacrilege he committed shortly thereafter; everything he values, his greed (Behemoth), his misogyny (Asmodeus), his desire to destroy families (Zophos) and his bold-faced lies (Belial) will become his burdens."

Behemoth came up on Priest's radar on December 15, 2019 when its assigned vector went to Silver Medal status on Silver Medal status is always a good indication of increased traffic across a vector.

The Agents of Behemoth occupy Vector One at the M-7 precisely because they are the most wanted of all demoniacs and were the most difficult to identify. Grifters, inside traders and the parasites of corporate personhood are all patrons of greed. Their evil helps other evil influences to thrive. Their greed makes is a liability to the rest of us.

Three days later, on December 18, 2019, Behemoth went to Gold Medal status. Gold Medal status is the highest rating a vector can reach and is indicative of high traffic. In other words, we have our adversary in our sights.

At this writing, it has been determined that Behemoth (Greed) is the most clear and present threat to the Meek. The Heretic in the Oval Office found many ways to deploy the Agents of Behemoth.

They are called the patrons of greed because greed thrives in the minds of vultures & corporate parasites who want to possess that which they should not have, who want dominance over the Meek no matter what, hoarding resources so the Meek can't access them when in need. That makes their greed a liability to the rest of us.

In 2021, the search for backstabbing, two-faced grifters and the parasites of corporate personhood will continue as we pursue the Agents of Behemoth: The Patrons of Greed.

Your next status update will come on Friday. Happy New Year and have a blessed 2021.

Herukhuti of Shiro

Enter Scorpius
Image by Al Wiggins Jr.